How much is my Whiting Antique Silver worth?
The following is a Value Guide on Whiting Sterling Silver Flatware and Hollowware:
Flatware - Whiting Manufacturing produced almost 100 different patterns of sterling flatware. Unfortunately, around 75% of those patterns are only going to worth money for their intrinsic scrap silver value only. There are, however, several pattens that do trade at prices much higher than silver value: Lily, Hyperion, Heraldic, Lily of The Valley, Imperial Queen, Ivy, Pompadour, Radiant, Empire, and Violet usually retail for around triple their melt value. There are some very rare patterns that go for even more money including: Bird's Nest, Honey Suckle, Grecian, Japanese, Egyptian, and Berry. The valuations on all these patterns depend on factors like monograms, condition and piece types.
Hollowware - The majority of Whiting hollowware is only going to be worth just scrap silver value. It really has to be something more ornate, not monogrammed and somewhat spectacular to garner more money. Decorative water pitchers, very ornate tea and coffee sets, and highly decorated bowls can sell at retail for double to triple their intrinsic silver value.
Match Safes - Match safes or vesta cases have a tendency to sell for much more than scrap silver value. If they are plainer and in good condition, they can sell for usually double scrap value at retail. If they ar very ornate and have themes of cherubs, figures, nature, lilies, fruit, knights, and nautical themes, some of these can retail between $75 to $500 per troy ounce.
Mixed Metal - Any Whiting silver with mixed metals of brass, copper or gold applied onto them are usually worth between $100 to $300 per troy ounce at retail. There are some spectacular museum quality pieces that can be worth even more than this.
Aesthetic and Unusual Serving Pieces - Very unusual aesthetic quality serving pieces that have figurals, ornate intricate work, or unusual themes can retail between triple or more of scrap silver value.
We hope this gives you a ballpark idea on what your Whiting Sterling Silver Flatware and Hollowware Items are worth.
Whiting Sterling Silver Lily Pattern Bonbonniere Serving Spoon worth around $4,995 at retail. We Buy!
We want to purchase Whting Sterling Silver Flatware and Hollwoare!
If you have items that you'd like to sell,
or even just want to get an idea on valuation
please click the email us button for a quote.
Please send us photos, measurements and item descriptions.
Greg Arbutine
Silver Museum Owner

The Silver Museum buys all sterling flatware and hollowware regardless if it is rare or not. We want it all!
Please sell your Sterling Silver Pieces to The Silver Museum!
Please get our offer no matter what else you eventually do. We are looking for great pieces for our Museum.

Nice article about Whiting Values!